将人性化与现代医学相结合:在Doctor Heals 感受到全新体验,通过综合性变革医疗健康水平,以团队合作的方式,接受我们的医生和健康专业人员团队的整体治疗。

Immerse yourself in a transformative journey where tranquility meets self-care – embark on a path towards inner harmony.
At Doctor Heals, we believe that true well-being goes beyond the physical, encompassing the mind, body, and spirit. Our thoughtfully-selected retreats offer a haven for meditation, self-reflection, and personal growth. Escape the demands of everyday life and join us in a serene environment designed to restore balance and foster inner peace.
The goals of art therapy vary depending on the individual’s needs but often include fostering self-discovery, improving emotional well-being, enhancing interpersonal skills, and promoting personal growth and resilience. It is an integrative and holistic approach that recognises the interconnectedness of mental, emotional, and physical health.
Nature’s Cure, Your Sanctuary of Healing
Taking time to immerse oneself in nature can have a profound positive impact on overall health and well-being. It nurtures emotional well-being, provides a restorative effect, and encourages a connection with the natural world. By spending time in nature, individuals can experience the transformative power of the outdoors on their physical, mental, and emotional health.
Indulge your senses at our specially selected massages to provide you with a soothing spa experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalsed. Our commitment to service excellence extends to our trained massage therapists who are dedicated to help you restore balance and harmony within, promoting a sense of peace and well-being.
逃离城市生活的喧嚣,步入宁静的庇护所,旨在通过整体健康方法培养内心的平静。在Doctor Heals,体验个性化的健康静修,包括您选择的静修地点、从绘画到陶瓷课程的艺术治疗活动、自然漫步等等。

柯教授是新加坡国立大学心理医学系的名誉教授兼高级顾问精神科医师。他接受过牛津大学和哈佛大学的培训,专注于老年精神病学、老年人痴呆症和应激管理。作为世界卫生组织(WHO)研究团队的团员,参与全球痴呆症研究,他被联合国(United Nations)邀请到纽约向世界大会发表关于抑郁症的演讲。他的职业生涯包括新加坡心理卫生学院(Institute of Mental Health)的首席执行官兼医学总监、太平洋沿岸精神科医师学院(Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrist)主席,以及新加坡老年学会(Gerontological Society)主席。他撰写了400多篇精神病学、痴呆症、抑郁症和应激管理方面的研究论文和30本书籍。
刘医生是一位在公共和私立医疗机构工作超过30年的医师。他曾担任新加坡鹰阁医院的前首席执行官,新加坡婓瑞医院的首席执行官兼董事会成员,以及淡马锡控股(新加坡)旗下 Pavilion Capital 的医疗保健投资主管。他也曾在Shire/Takeda、Covidien/Medtronic、Schering Plough/MSD、Covance 和 Glaxo Wellcome(现为GSK)等生物制药、医疗器械和临床研究组织担任高级执行职务。他的职业荣誉包括2017年的“年度最佳CEO”,2019年的“最具精通媒体的人物”,2023年的“领英最受欢迎的激励演讲者声音”,2023年新加坡抗击新冠疫情的“公共服务勋章”(PBM),以及2024年的“领英最佳医院销售声音”。